“CTRL (2024) is an intense thriller movie in Hindi directed by Vikramaditya Motwane. The film explores the worries about artificial intelligence and our increasingly digital lives. Ananya Panday stars as Nalini “Nella” Awasthi, a social media influencer. She faces trouble when she tries to remove her ex-boyfriend, Joe (played by Vihaan Samat), from her online life using a mysterious AI app. However, the app starts to control her digital world, taking more than she expected.”
Motwane directed the film in a screenlife format, telling the entire story through the lens of laptops, phones, and other digital devices. This enhances the feeling of being trapped in the online world. The film’s eerie atmosphere is intensified by Sneha Khanwalkar’s electronic score, which reflects the growing tension as the boundaries between Nella’s real and virtual lives become blurred.
Ananya Panday’s performance has been praised as one of her most nuanced roles to date. She effectively conveys a wide range of emotions without overacting, drawing comparisons to Alia Bhatt in terms of subtlety.
The movie includes Devika Vatsa and Ravish Desai in the supporting roles. Aparshakti Khurana gives a memorable voice performance as the AI named Allen. This character brings moments of humor while also posing a growing threat to Nella’s autonomy. The cinematography by Pratik Shah and editing by Jahaan Noble contribute to the film’s stylish and tense look.
The film CTRL can be seen as a warning about the dangers of AI and data privacy. It also comments on the pressures faced by influencers and celebrities in managing their online personas. The movie balances satire and suspense, and some critics compare it to an Indian version of Black Mirror because of its technological themes and unsettling tone.